M312 efterskrift

Dear participants:

As we continue to recover from the Mallorca 312 OK Mobility, last Saturday, I would like to share a thought with all of you.

The amazing atmosphere we experienced together with the usual beauty of the race and the safety that implies traveling through the roads of Mallorca closed to traffic, cannot make us forget some problems that arose during the organization of the race.

The Mallorca 312 OK Mobility is organized by a professional team who are well aware of the supplies needed by all the registered participants. This team works extremely hard and are very enthusiastic through the year making sure everything runs smoothly.

This team, and of course, the registered participants, deserved another successful and uneventful edition. But this year this has not been the case due to a number of uncivil and unsupportive cyclists who have accessed the race without the regulatory bib number and who have stopped at the refreshment points. The attitude of a few (or not so few) endangered the experience of those participants who had done things correctly.

We will do everything within our reach to eradicate this behavior in the next editions and identify those who have been involved in these events, endangering even the safety of the Mallorca 312 OK Mobility. For now, I can tell you that the official jersey of the race will be mandatory in the edition of April 27, 2024. This is the only way to be able to guarantee the experience of registered participants and the coexistence with the people of Mallorca.

I also want to thank the conduct of the people and collaboration of the participants, who were patient, without the aforementioned problems that distorted the good atmosphere that was experienced or the regular operation of the race.

I truly hope that together, we can turn the situation around and enjoy once again the best Mallorca 312 OK Mobility ever. We are already working on it.

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